Home » Review » Seeking.com Review – Best for Sugar Baby Arrangements in UK

Seeking.com Review – Best for Sugar Baby Arrangements in UK

Seeking.com is the best sugar baby dating site to find arrangements in the UK, specially made for people who are interested in no-nonsense relationships with financial understanding. This is the best place where men can look for sugar babies and for the ladies to find their sugar daddies.

Having been in the industry since 2006, Seeking.com has already established itself as among the most popular places for men and women who prefer and are interested in this kind of arrangement. While there are lots of online dating sites on the internet right now, Seeking.com sets itself apart by offering a long list of special features you won’t find anywhere else.

Try Seeking Now

What is Seeking.com?

Seeking.com, previously called Seeking Arrangement, is a special dating website developed in 2006. Although there are many alternatives in the form of traditional dating sites, the website is developed to cater to a specific niche.

The world has seen many changes through the years, and among them are the different ways that people who have eccentric tastes use to find each other. It is where Seeking.com enters the picture.

The website is made for people who are looking for sugar relationships that are popularly mentioned and talked about online. People searching for sugar daddies or mommies and those who are looking for sugar babies come here in the hopes of finding the partner they are looking for.

For those who might not be familiar with sugar relationships, a sugar daddy or mommy is a successful person with immense wealth available at their disposal. But before jumping to conclusions, not all rich people belong to this category. They are often wealthier and older persons who want and are willing to offer financial satisfaction to someone younger or called a sugar baby.

The sugar babies will in turn offer their companionship, time, relationships, and a bit of sugar at times, which is in the form of sex.

How Does Seeking.com Work?

Seeking.com has a surprisingly balanced gender distribution. Out of its around 10 million active members, 80% are women and 20% are men. The site also divides its members into two major roles: sugar babies or the attractive members and sugar daddies or mommies or the successful members.

Successful members and attractive members are the titles that the site uses to describe the members. The main idea here is that the platform helps the two parties at both ends of the spectrum to find and meet each other.

But what sets Seeking.com apart from other dating sites is that it has not been designed for promoting lots of interactions on the platform. Instead, it is meant to help people meet each other as safely and quickly as possible. Security is a very serious concern for the site and the creators take it rather seriously.

Seeking.com also has an opt-in background check system with a fail or pass metric. Members who will pass the check will receive a badge that will be put on their account and serves as a sign of legitimacy. On the other hand, if the member fails, aside from not awarding the site, the site will also stop facilitating your dating process.

Another way to improve your legitimacy standing is to connect your Seeking.com account to your other social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Looking for a prospective done can be made with the help of a comprehensive algorithm that considers location and preferences. Although the site promotes face-to-face interactions, you can communicate using the site’s direct messaging feature.

How to Setup Your Profile in Seeking.com

It is very easy to set up your dating profile on Seeking.com. Once you arrive on the homepage of your site, you will see the red button labeled Join Now that you can click once you are ready to start your dating journey.

After clicking the button, a sign-up form will pop up that will require some basic information before you start with the setup. You should indicate your gender first and state if you want to meet or not. Take note that you can choose both if you want to.

The next field will ask you to indicate if you hope to meet a successful or attractive person. It is how the site determines if you belong to the sugar daddy/mummy or sugar baby category.

You can then use your Facebook account to sign in or use your email address, preferred password, and birthdate. Once you have finished with all of these, your Seeking.com account will be active right away.

Seeking.com Pricing

Seeking.com is a website that doesn’t require you to spend just to have fun. Even a free account can let you enjoy a wonderful experience on the platform. But if you are looking for something more, you can also choose between diamond and premium memberships.

Premium membership will give you access to profile notes, profile highlights, and the ability to hide your profile details. Diamond members can also enjoy these perks while increasing their visibility to other members. The following is the pricing for Seeking.com:

  • $89.95 a month for a 30-day premium
  • $239.85 every 90 days for a 90-day premium
  • $249.95 a month for a 30-day diamond

Now that you know the different pricing for the different memberships, it is also a must that you know the available options when it comes to payment methods. The website offers its members three payment options including credit card, PayPal, and mobile phone.

Take note that the whole process is kept discreet, so expect that your transactions will be labeled with either W8TECH or 2BUYSAFE.

Security Details

Many dating websites get bonus points to secure the information and interests of their members. Seeking.com does two main things in this particular regard.

Using an SSL certificate is the first one to help prevent the unwanted leak of your data during your stay on the site. The second one is a background check system that helps verify all members. Again, remember that the site doesn’t engage in the trade or sale of your data for whatever reason.